Dangerous goods

When booking shipment, you as a sender need to be aware of the dangerous substances your shipment might contain.

For the transport of dangerous goods, Jetpak must comply with both national regulations and international requirements through various transport rules.

The sender must, among other things, ensure that all packaging requirements are met, with both labeling and packaging. 

You can only send a selection of dangerous goods via Jetpak. If you want to book a transportation that contains dangerous goods, please do it via Jetpak's customer service

  • Sweden +46 077 570 00 00
  • Norway +47 915 09 899
  • Denmark +45 36 32 11 00
  • Finland +358 9 727 7180
  • Belgium: +32-2-300 24 24

Our customer service will inform you about the different restrictions and transportation alternatives for your shipment.